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Narbert and his North Pole Neighbors

Daybreak Students will be singing in the chorus of the musical supporting some wonderful student actors. This is the first time Daybreak has done an after school auditioned musical. We are excited to show the talented students both acting and singing for you.

We are inviting you to attend the performance Grade 4-6 on December 19th at 2pm, Grade K-3rd on December 20 at 2:00 p.m. to be held in the gym.

Although we love to have large audiences, we also want to let you know that each grade will be singing only one individual song and two songs with the whole group. So, if you miss it for work or other busy schedules, I’m sure there will be a video you could get your hands on.

Kindergarten morning class will perform for our school during the morning Dec 20th at 9:00 a.m. Only parents of kindergarteners are asked to join us for that performance as it is already going to be filled with the younger grade students who will be watching. Performing is such a great opportunity for students, but there are always things that go wrong. Please remember to focus on the good things and ignore the bad. Look to the message of the show and find the joy of this holiday season with us at Daybreak Elementary.

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