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PTA Fundraiser is open!

Updated: Sep 18, 2023

Hello from the PTA! This is our only fundraiser of the year and our biggest event! We invite friends and family to join us to raise funds through Fun Run sponsorship donations. The fundraiser begins on Sept 18th and ends on Sept 29th.

What do donations pay for?

100% of donations support fun and educational activities such as Field Trips, Assemblies, Teacher Appreciation, and much more! To view a full list, click here . Without your donations we cannot do those activities.

How much should I donate?

Sponsor your child today! We recommend the donation amount of $25-$40/student. Consider donating additional amounts to sponsor another child. Any donation amount helps! If you donate over $50/student you will be entered into a raffle for additional prizes. We appreciate your support!

How do I make a donation?

Go to this link to make a donation. Please include your child's name & teacher's name in the payment notes. You can also pay with a check written out to "Daybreak Elementary PTA". Cash donations are also accepted. Your student will receive a flyer that includes an envelope for cash.

Who should donate?

Friends & Family of your Daybreak Student(s). Last week the PTA visited each grade and practiced a role play to teach the students how to ask their "Grandma" for a donation. Encourage your child to approach neighbors, aunts, uncles, grandparents etc. During our visit with the students we also encouraged them to earn money to donate as well.

How to ask for a donation

We have put together a sample text you could copy and send to friends/family.

"Hi, This is Jane and Jack Anderson, Our school is having a fundraiser to pay for PTA Programs such as Assemblies, Field Trips, Battle of the Books, Teacher Appreciation and more. If you would like to send a donation you can do that by clicking this link, Please include our names and our teachers names in the notes. Jane's teacher is: Mrs Smith, and Jack's teacher is Mrs.Jones. Thank you so much for your support"

Encouraging your children to be involved in asking for donations makes them feel connected to the fundraiser and helps them get excited about our prizes/contests! If you are donating for multiple students, you do NOT need to seperate the donation. Just add the students name and teacher name to the notes and we will divide the amounts evenly between classes.

What are the prizes?

  • Silly String Principal: Student drawing of each donation received by 9/21. 10 winners

  • Principal for the day: Student drawing of each donation received by 9/28. 2 winners

  • Class Donut Party: Every class to raise an average of $25/child in the class by 9/28.

  • Grade Movie Day: Grade that raises the highest average amount per child in their classes by 9/28

  • Teacher Gift Card: Teacher of the class that raises the highest average donation per child by 9/28

  • School Goal: $15K: Our principal will dye her hair blue

  • School Goal: $18K: Extra school recess

  • School Goal: $22K: Pie the teachers

  • School Goal: $27K: In school dance party!

Fundraiser Goals

Our goal is to raise $27,000 to fund our activities for the 2023/2024 school year. Follow our blog here or instagram @daybreak.pta for updates on the fundraiser progress.

The Fun Run The Fun Run will be held on Sept 28th during school hours. If you would like your student to participate in our Fun Run please sign the permission slip that was sent home with your student. Each grade is wearing a different color. For more information about the race click here. Friends & Family are encouraged to attend and cheer on their student(s). You can also choose to run with your student with a $5 donation at the event. We are still looking for volunteers for the Fun Run, If you are able to volunteer sign up here

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